Tag Archives: IPhone

Ibotta: Save Money on Groceries you Already Buy

10 Feb


How can IBOTTA help you?

Being a mom of 3, I am always looking for the best deals! I am so excited about some of the ways that I have found to save, that I decided to start a blog on things that I have TRIED, that save you money! The first thing I am going to share is an APP that I absolutely LOVE and it is FREE!!!!


I downloaded this App a couple of weeks ago and have already accumulated over $30!! Who wouldn’t want FREE money!!!! You earn money just by buying the stuff you already use!! Share with your friends and family and get $1 for everyone who signs up!

You will want to share once you use this APP because it really is easy to use and most of the products are ones you would use anyway! So why not get money back for those items!!!

If you haven’t heard about IBOTTA, TRY it and you will probably be like me and want to share it with all your friends and family!!! It is SUPER easy to use!!! After you go grocery shopping all you do is take a picture of your receipt and use the APP to select what you bought, and VIOLA! The money is in your account!!!

You can download the FREE app here!

Keep checking back with my post! I will be adding a post on saving even more by combining your Ibotta savings with current coupons!!

Please feel free to comment on any questions about this app!!!

I would LOVE to see comments from people who are alreading using Ibotta!